short story with moral:THE CLEVER HARE

There lived a lion in a forest.He was very cruel. Other animals were afraid of him. He used to kill animals without mercy.

The animals held a meeting. It was decided that one animal would be sent to the lion every day.

When it was the hare's turn to go to lion,he thought of a plan. He reached the lion's place very late. The lion wanted to know why the hare was so late. Sir, said the hare, 'I met another lion while coming here. He said he was the king of the forest. He wanted to eat me.'

Where is he? the lion roared. Take me to him. The hare took him to a well.

Sir,the hare said,the other lion is in the well.' The lion looked in to the well. He saw his own reflection. He thought it was the other lion. He got angry,jumped into the well and died.

MORAL: Intelligence is more important and useful than Physical power
