short story with moral : THE FARMER AND HIS SONS

There lived a farmer in a village. He was very hard working. He had three sons.

After some times they got married. They began to quarrel with one-another. The father advised them not to   quarrel,but they did not care. He was in a fix what to do.

One day, he fell ill. suddenly he hit upon a plan. He called them to his bedside. H e asked them to  bring a bundle of sticks.

The farmer asked one of them to break the bundle turn-by-turn. Each tried hard, but could not break the bundle. Now he asked them to break a single stick one-by-one. Each took one stick and broke it easily. On seeing this the farmer said, 'Dear sons, if you live unitely, nobody will be able  to harm you. But if you keep quarreling among yourselves, anybody will be able to harm you.' They acted upon his advice and never quarrelled in future.

Moral : Union is strength
United we stand, divided we fall.
