short story with moral : THE GOLDEN GOOSE

                                                         The Golden Goose

      A farmer had a goose. The goose was extra ordinary. She laid golden egg a day.

      The farmer was not satisfied with one egg each day. He wanted to become rich soon. H e could do anything for the sake of money. Day and night he ran after collecting money. He had very little joy and rest in his life.

      One day, he had an idea - why not kill the goose and take out all golden eggs? He thought to become the richest person at once. He became impatient.

       So he took a knife and cut the goose. He looked for the golden eggs in the belly of the goose. But there were no eggs. He was filled with sorrow. He had lost the goose. His excessive greed blinded his senses.

Moral : Patience is a great virtue.
