Letters are messages. There are several different kinds of  letters. But broadly divided into two.
1.  personal or friendly or informal letters.
2.  business or formal letters.

Each has its own particular form but certain matters of form which apply to all.
In all kinds of letters there are SIX points of form to be attended to, these are:-

1.  The HEADING, consisting of (a) the writer's address and (b) the date.
      Proper place of the heading is the top right-hand corner of the first page. But in the modern  
      style, it should be written at the top left hand corner. For example:
       20, Adayar
        12 January, 2013

      (Address  should be the writer's full postal address(house no. or name, street and the place). 
      The date should be written below the address as in any of the following way, 
      29th January, 2012 or Jan. 29th, 2012 or 29-1-2012. )

2.   The courteous Greeting or SALUTATION. 
      The form of greeting will depend upon the relationship between the two.  
      The position of the Salutation is at the left-hand of the first page, near the margin, one line  
       below the date.
      To members of your family, it will be-Dear Father,My dear Mother, Dear uncle, Dear   
      Hari, etc. 
     To friends, it will be- Dear Sam, Dear Vani, Hi Pinky, Ramesh, etc.
     To  business people, it will be- Dear Sir, Sir, Gentlemen etc.

     Note.- The term Dear is purely formal, and is a mere polite expression, not necessarily  
     implying any special affection.

3. The COMMUNICATION or Body of the letter.- This is the letter itself, and the style in which   it is written will depend upon the kind of letter. The style of a friendly or an informal letter will be very different from a purely business or an official letter.
A few hints that apply to all letters are given below.
a) Divide your  letter into paragraphs, to mark changes of subject-matter,etc.
b) use simple and direct language and short sentences. do not try to be eloquent, and drag in long    words. Be clear about what you want to say, and say it as directly as possible.
c) Try to be complete. It is a sign of slovenly thinking when you have to add postscripts at the end of a letter. think out what you want to say before you begin to write; and put down your points in some logical order.
d) Write neatly. Y our correspondent has to read what you write.
e) Mind your punctuation, and put in commas and semicolons and full stops in their proper places.

4.  The SUBSCRIPTION  or courteous leave taking.
A letter must not end abruptly, simply with the writer's name. This would look rude. So certain forms of polite leave taking are prescribed. Such as---
Yours sincerely, Your sincere friend, Yours truly etc.
In personal letters, instead of Yours sincerely, you can use Yours very sincerely, sincerely yours Yours affectionately (to relations), Your affectionate brother, Your loving son etc.
The subscription  must be written below the last word of the letter, and to the right side of the page.
If you write in the modern style it should be on the left side;there should be no comma after 'sincerely'.

5. The SIGNATURE or name of the writer. This must come below the subscription.

6. The SUPERSCRIPTION or address on the envelope. This should be written very clearly.
