write an e-mail to your class teacher and informing that you will not be able to appear in 2nd formative test because of....

You got your right arm fractured while playing in the school during games period. Now it has been plastered for three weeks. Write an e-mail, narrating the incident, to your class teacher and informing him/her that you will not be able to appear in 2nd formative test because of that. Also tell  him/her you will submit your leave application along with a medical certificate in a week's time.

Date: 24th July 2012
From: manu@gmail.com
Subject: sick leave
To: anilkumar@gmail.com                                                                                                                        

Dear Sir: Sir
     I wish to state that I am Manu, Roll No. 23 of class 9. While playing yesterday in the school during games period,  I fell  down on the ground on my hands. First I didn't care. But very soon I started the pain and swelling. Drill master rushed to the hospital with me. With the help of an X-Ray they confirm that my right arm  got fractured. They plastered my arm for three weeks. Due to this I will not be able to appear in 2nd formative test. I shall submit my leave application along with the medical certificate  in a week's time.

   I,  therefore request you to kindly grant me sick leave for three weeks. I hope to recover by that time.

Regards: Thanking you
Yours obediently
Name: Manu


  1. Thank you for the email writing l got very help for this.


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