Moral short story- DO GOOD AND GET GOOD


         One day a thirsty bee went out in search of water. It soon saw a  tank full of water and decided to quench its thirst at it. But it plunged into the water and could not keep itself afloat.

        It was beginning to drown when a dove flying overhead saw its plight.Realising the danger the bee was in,    the dove quickly plucked a leaf from a tree and dropped it on water just next to the bee.

        The bee climbed on to the leaf, dried its wings and flew away to its hive full of gratitude to the dove who had saved its life.

A few days later, the bee saw a young boy aiming his gun at the dove sitting on the branch of a tree.

The bee understood everything after recognizing the dove. It flew down and sat on the boy's wrist and stung him just as he was going to release the trigger of his gun. The gun fell down from his hands. The dove heard the noise, It quickly flew away to safety.

The bee was happy. It had able to repay the kindness of the dove which had saved its life one day.

Moral : Do good and get good.


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